To figure out a dosage that works for you, ease into taking the CBD oil, starting with third of a dropper and increasing dosage every few days until a dose that works for your condition is attained or until a dose of 1 dropper is reached. You may increase the dose to up to 1 dropper twice a day. Please give it 2 weeks to see its full effects and to see if it provides relief for your condition. First thing most people notice is better sleep.
The balm may be applied topically to effected areas. Massage it in until absorbed, you should notice relief within a few minutes. You may use some heat for better penetration of the formulation and the effect of heat and balm working together.
With the Farm bill passed in 2018, hemp derived CBD was legalized in all 50 states in the USA. That being said it still isn’t regulated by the FDA and is a subject of continuous controversies and disagreements and lacks much needed research to fully study its benefits.
According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, the extent of these side effects mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavor) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur. The side effects may also reduce with usage.